
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Episode 9: Sixty-nine minus sixty

Show Notes
- Intro and Thank You's

Life on the Swingset for all the immoral support
Swingercast cast for the nice comments back
This Married Life for the laughs
All our twitter followers

- Leave us a review on iTunes, why not?
- All the News that Fu's
- Topix

1. Response time for emails in the lifestyle... coordinating four people takes longer

2. "Been up since six am, do you went my company?" Strap on being like not being able to get it up

4. Out of town trip and the guy with the hat

5. Peeps in our room

6. Booty call

MP3 tasty linkage here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Episode 8: And I'm all out of gum

The Fu talks about a guy who came to screw or drink.... and he was all out of drink.

Potential sexual partner inside the lifestyle and out. Is there a difference? Some insight into what men and women think.

How to take third place in an amateur strip off

Hey lifestyle podacsters! Let's have a reunion online and post it for the world to enjoy. :)

Crunchy salty tasty MP3 fileage here. Nom nom nom

Love the Fu?
Go to iTunes and leave us some kind words