
Monday, October 24, 2011

Episode 37: Dating for Two or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Ms Swap Fu's Period

Pre-production notes!!
Tell us you're not a little impressed.
Thank you for your blog comments and voicemails!

Warming up the house slowly

Mas Vegas: Some more details given in context of how we don't go into details

Mindfulness: Were we in the right headspace?

Thank you Dan Savage for giving us some insight on the dating mind -- we're all newbies so -- cut yourself some slack

Mr Swap Fu is The Period Whisperer

Girls Uncorked redux

This episode's music is "Electronic Fences" by Computer Magic, a solo project based out of Brooklyn -- More information at

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Episode 36: Don't call it a cumback!

We're finally moved into the new place... mostly.  We're back!

Ms Swap Fu gets Uncorked.  Join the Girls Uncorked chapter in your city.
Las Vegas trip highlights and tips and tricks for swinger travel newbies
The Sex-Related Injury
We talk about staying active in the lifestyle during a life transition
FuGrrl wants to know how you gracefully exit a sexual situation that just got weird... email her

Thank you for the your patience, emails and iTunes reviews.  Hopefully we're back on schedule now.

Enjoy this episode's hot, hot music "Come Closer" by Miles Kane

Follow @SwapFu and @FuGrrl on Twitter