
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Episode 78: Ageism and Other Bad Ways to Avoid Getting to Know People

Los Apuntes (The Notes)

  • We're still in Mexico City recording Take 2 of this podcast. Making better for you, Swinger!
  • Guess what? We got stood up again. Make that lucky number 7. We did get a chance to check out a great bar, so it wasn't all bad. Check it out if you're ever in CDMX: El Diente de Oro. If you know CDMXCPLLKNG4U on SDC, ask them why they stood us up?
  • Who outed Roger Stone? Where's Jeff Bezos dick when you need it? Are there more Republicans or Democrats in the lifestyle and why?
  • According to Reddit, many more single women are attending LS clubs. Maybe it's because women are having fewer kids
  • Mr. Fu whines about Reddit. Basement dwelling masturbators. Why can't I just stop using it?
  • And finally, the topic: Ageism in the Lifestyle
    • Are they too young or too juvenile?
    • Don't assume you weren't excluded because of your age.
    • Hard age limits are probably not great constraints -- think compatibility.
    • In Mexico, elitism is a big deal.
    • Bottom line, not everyone gets invited to everything.
  • Headed to Vancouver, Canada. March 2 - June 8.
    • Also visiting Seattle! The Saffire Club is on our list.
    • We're going to see the Pixies and a couple Canucks games. Interested? Hit us up.
    • Beers, meet and greets and so on.
  • We got drunk with Swingercast this week. Thanks for visiting guys! Safe travels.
  • We're attending a Valentines Day swinger play party -- very excited about this.
  • Talk to you from Vancouver!
No music yet -- still getting my production chops back. Sorry.