
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Episode 10: The top things we've learned

Thank you's

- Mr and Ms Swap Fu count down the top ten things they learned in the lifestyle. The podcast started Feb. 24, 2010

Ms Swap Fu's Top Ten
10. Clubs are uber cool.
9. Travel plans to Swing are off the hook. If you haven’t done it, try it.
8. Your Vanilla friends probably adore you more than your friends in the lifestyle.
7. Passive guys in the lifestyle are boring. Guys that show up to have fun are my cup of tea.
6. Single guys have a place in the life style.
5. Strap-ons are out, and I will be experimenting with some other devices.
4. No, you don’t look younger than you really are.
3. Swinger upkeep is a pain in the ass. But you do it because you want to swing.
2. Ask for what it is that you want. Specifically and unequivocally. Changes you make from the lifestyle can affect every aspect of your life.
1. The number one thing I have truly internalized is that my husband rocks.

Mr Swap Fu's Top Ten
10. The founders of Harley Davidson must have been swingers
9. Minimize your time on the dating sites. Lot's of chatters, picture hunter and punters. Meet people in person ASAP then go from there.
8. Focus on your goals. What do you want and who do you want it from?
7. Escalate sexually. Don't freeze up once you're there, build passion by escalating foreplay.
6. Look out for your partner. He or she may not be in the same headspace.
5. Keep meeting people. You may know some cool couples, but there are always more out there.
4. It's not about them, it's about us
3. It's better to be fun than sexy
2. Watch your booze
1. Who dares wins

Listener Questions
1. Do we experience jealousy in the lifestyle? If so, how do we deal?
2. Drinking... does everyone get blasted to play?

Thank you for listening!!

Contact info...
Twitter: @swapfu

Click here for MP3 file

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