
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Episode 32: We banned Nirvana!

People ask us about our musical tastes.  We generally broaden our musical selections by listening to channels we like on Pandora.

Our favorite stations are:

  • Ladytron
  • Au Revoir Simone
  • The Ting Tings
  • The Killers
  • The Sounds
Mr. Swap Fu mourns his 20's last to grunge.

Condom update: Female condoms... Out! (Thanks Allie)

What's the Fu been up to?
Enjoying the what all our efforts have yielded.  You should too!
Two amazing dates
The new walk of shame!
Super fun night at Mystique!

Odds and Ends
Israel police raid swingers party looking for pot
New listener erotica page starting this week.  Thank you!!

Thank you!  We love our listeners and thank you for the amazing iTunes reviews!

To J.  Hang in there, baby!!

As much as it pains us, this episode's music is "Cherry Pie" by Warrant.  Our salute to the Hair Bands.  Regarding this song...
Mr Swap Fu: This song is ridiculous!
Ms Swap Fu: Ridiculously awesome!

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