
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A short hiatus for the podcast

Hello loyal listeners!

Unfortunately, we wish we had better news for you guys but it may be a month or so before we have another podcast.  We're are officially on hiatus!  Not sure what the word means, but's it's got "Hi" in it, so it must be kinda good.*

Not that you should care especially, but the sitch is that we're in the process of selling our house, moving into an apartment and then, shortly after, moving into another house.  (We're also signing all kinds of shit that remind us that we need to make more money.)  Small things for sure, but Ms Swap Fu and I don't do this often enough to be good at it and we don't feel that we'd be able to deliver the podcast in a timely manner.  It's been pandemonium up in this piece of, dare I say, biblical proportions.  We've been told our upheaval is the cause of the Great East Coast Earthquake, Spiderman: The Music, the Brain Eating Amoeba and Bert and Ernie coming out.

So there you have it.  We'll be back in a month or so.  Until then, keep swinging fuckers!!!

*The Swap Fu podcast does not condone the use of marijuana or any other mind altering (read: fun) substances unless you are within your legal right to do so.  BTW, Hiatus also has "ate us" in it...  Gigiddy.


  1. Anxiously awaiting your next show!

  2. Yes I agree. When are you going to do the interview with Mr. and Mrs. Havana? That is way to promised now. At least let us know if will happen or not at all.

  3. Unfortunately the interview with the Havanas is not going to happen. We'll make a note to announce this in the next podcast.
