
Monday, February 9, 2015

Episode 65: Don't Piss Off Veronica!

Hello Friends!
Swap Fu Debrief!
  • Thinking of hitting up karaoke at the club.
  • Average Swinger pop in! A welcome chance to get to know an awesome couple.
  • Downtown Houston pub crawl
    • Our traveling companions flaked.
    • Small Town couples are jittery.
    • The crawl had logistical challenges but it was fun.
    • Thank you thank you thank you!
  • Attended a swinger couples Passion Party hosted by a swinger friend.
  • A short segue about Zombie Dildos.
  • Sex toys can be controlled by apps? What a country! But beware!
In depth!
  • Article discussion:
    • Is monogamy holding marriage back?
    • Are they talking about swinging or poly?
    • The online dating is transforming the availability of partners - Hyper Serial Monogamy,
    • The difference between Tinder and Swinger Safari.
  • The Nitty Gritty of Nonmonogamy
    • We walk you through planning an event: Swinger Game Night,
    • We reach a very "us" conclusion,
    • Best laid plans -- The 3rd Tuesday in March is St. Patrick's Day
  • The Mardi Gras Party is coming!
    • 100 people? Holy shit! Thank god we have help this time.
    • New porn setup!
Parting thoughts and Shout Outs
  • FuGrrl turning Swifty!
  • Thank you Mr K and the Swinger Fairy
  • Thank you B and K for the Swinger Safari App -- check it out. We are. Also twitter.
Episode music -- Boogie down to "Shempi" by Ratatat on their album LP3. Love me some Ratatat on a Monday afternoon.

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